USW Local 310L Des Moines, IA

We represent the hard-working employees of the Bridgestone-Firestone Agricultural Tire Plant in Des Moines, IA.

Active employee Open Enrollment is now live for 2025 until October 21. If you are needing to make any changes for next year, now is the time to do so.

Tuesday, October 8 and Wednesday, October 9

Take Action

We are calling on everyone to take action on the union busting bill SSB3158 and contact your Iowa State SenatorThe bill requires a union to go to court if the public employer fails to upload an employee list to the labor board for recertification purposes or the unit will be decertified. This proposal penalizes public sector unions for failing to take an action which is not within their control.

Recent News

Take advantage of the free, online educational opportunities offered by USW. We'll update this page as we become aware of labor education classes being offered to union members. Check back periodically to stay up to date.

As most of you probably know, there was a shortage on SUB for the Labor Day week out, due to the holiday. The Company has said they will correct this, but documentation of our unemployment payment for that week has to be provided by each individual in order to receive the remaining payment. This was not communicated to the Union until after the SUB payments had been made, despite having brought this up to the Company prior to the shutdown. 

Here are some instructions to obtain this documentation, to the best of our knowledge.

Congratulations to the winners in the special election held August 27 and 28. Mike Moranville won the election for Trustee, and Tim Linn won the election for Guide.

PDF icon special_election_results.pdf

1) You should have filed an initial claim for the week out in August. If you did, it is best to continue to file weekly claims for the following two weeks. This will keep your claim active for the Labor Day week. 

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