SUB for week of Labor Day

As most of you probably know, there was a shortage on SUB for the Labor Day week out, due to the holiday. The Company has said they will correct this, but documentation of our unemployment payment for that week has to be provided by each individual in order to receive the remaining payment. This was not communicated to the Union until after the SUB payments had been made, despite having brought this up to the Company prior to the shutdown. 

Here are some instructions to obtain this documentation, to the best of our knowledge.

1) For most recent payment, you can log onto IWD Weekly Claims, then click on Benefit Inquiry. This will only show the most recent, and will only show your username, not your actual name. This will work if payroll can tell it is you. Print or take a screenshot to turn into payroll.

2) Call IWD and they can mail or email you your payment history. Call 1-866-239-0843 to request. Turn in to payroll upon receipt.