1) You should have filed an initial claim for the week out in August. If you did, it is best to continue to file weekly claims for the following two weeks. This will keep your claim active for the Labor Day week. https://uiclaims.iwd.iowa.gov/weeklyclaims/
If for some reason you did not file a claim for the week out in August, or you did not keep your weekly claims up for the two weeks in between, you will most likely need to file another initial claim. This must be done during the week we are out (9/1-9/7). https://uiclaims.iwd.iowa.gov/UIInitialClaim/
2) Be sure to file your weekly claim during the week of 9/8. Weekly claim filing is open Sunday, 9/8, through Friday, 9/13. The deadline to file the weekly claim is 9/13 at 5:00. As with the initial claim, if you miss the deadline to file the weekly claim, you will not receive an unemployment payment for the week, and you won't be eligible for SUB. Here is a link for the weekly claim filing: https://uiclaims.iwd.iowa.gov/weeklyclaims/
3) You will not receive another green sheet. If you turned in your green sheet for the week out in August, it is already on file with payroll. If you have not yet turned that in, get that to Dani ASAP so that you can receive your SUB. [email protected] We will no longer need SUB forms for the additional weeks out.
Note: The union hall will not be open during the plant shutdown weeks.
Here is a copy of the updated instructions the company distributed in the plant: uitosubprocessrevised_003.pdf
Here is a page with links for more information about unemployment: https://uswlocal310l.org/news/unemployment-links-and-info