This page contains lots of important information regarding unemployment. While we will help members with unemployment as much as we can, we are not unemployment experts.
Take advantage of the free, online educational opportunities offered by USW. We'll update this page as we become aware of labor education classes being offered to union members. Check back periodically to stay up to date.
Active employee Open Enrollment is now live for 2025 until October 21. If you are needing to make any changes for next year, now is the time to do so. If you do nothing, your benefits will stay the same as they are now, with the exception that Flex Spending and Dependant Care Spending must be elected each year. To make your elections, you will need to log in to Workday in My Bridgestone. The Open Enrollment event should be listed as a task.
As most of you probably know, there was a shortage on SUB for the Labor Day week out, due to the holiday. The Company has said they will correct this, but documentation of our unemployment payment for that week has to be provided by each individual in order to receive the remaining payment. This was not communicated to the Union until after the SUB payments had been made, despite having brought this up to the Company prior to the shutdown.
Here are some instructions to obtain this documentation, to the best of our knowledge.