This page contains lots of important information regarding unemployment. While we will help members with unemployment as much as we can, we are not unemployment experts. We recommend using Iowa Works as a resource as much as possible. Iowa Works has offices at the following locations:
Iowa Works Des Moines Offices
200 Army Post Road
525 SW 5th St, Suite A
Offices outside Des Moines click here
Unemployment Helpline- 1-866-239-0843
Filing instructions

(A quick guide we put together to aid in filing for unemployment. You will want to also review the information on the Iowa Unemployment website prior to filing).
File Initial Claim (first week of layoff)
File Weekly Claims (each week)
We recommend also reviewing the following pages very carefully. Your eligibility for unemployment (and SUB) will depend upon your adherance to IWD's rules and timelines.
Unemployment steps and responsibilities
Regarding SUB Pay:
If you turned in a green sheet for any of the past weeks out or voluntary layoffs this past year, that is still on file with payroll. If you had not previously turned in a green sheet, you will need to do that to get SUB.
Eligibility for SUB is contingent upon receipt of unemployment, unless you have exhausted your 16 weeks of unemployment for the benefit year. The company is requiring documentation of your receipt of unemployment. In order to obtain this, you will need to file an unemployment claim, even if you have exhausted the unemployment benefit. The documentation they are requiring is one of two things:
1) Screenshot of the Benefit Inquiry page on the IWD website showing the gross payment. This should be available sometime after you file your weekly claim.
2) A printout of your payment history from Iowa Works. You should be able to obtain this at the Iowa Works office, or by calling them at 1-866-239-0843. Make sure the document shows the gross payment that was actually made, NOT just your weekly benefit amount.
You can turn the documentation in directly to payroll, or email her at [email protected].
Note: The union hall will not be open during the plant shutdown week.